Source code for fhirpath.dialects.elasticsearch

# _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
"""ElasticSearch Dialect"""
import logging
import re

import isodate
from zope.interface import alsoProvides

from fhirpath.enums import OPERATOR, GroupType, MatchType, SortOrderType, TermMatchType
from fhirpath.interfaces import IFhirPrimitiveType, IPrimitiveTypeCollection
from fhirpath.interfaces.dialects import IIgnoreNestedCheck
from fhirpath.interfaces.fql import (

from .base import DialectBase

__author__ = "Md Nazrul Islam<>"
logger = logging.getLogger("fhirpath.dialects.elasticsearch")
URI_SCHEME = re.compile(r"^https?://", re.I)
    OPERATOR.eq: None, None, "gt", "lt", "gte",
    OPERATOR.le: "lte",

[docs]def escape_star(v): """ """ if "*" in v: v = v.replace("*", "\\*") return v
[docs]def escape_all(v): """ """ v = escape_star(v) v = ( v.replace(".", "\\.") .replace("?", "\\?") .replace(":", "\\:") .replace("[", "\\[") ) return v
[docs]class ElasticSearchDialect(DialectBase): """ """
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_nested(query, dotted_path): """ """ wrapper = { "nested": { "path": dotted_path, "query": query, "ignore_unmapped": True, "score_mode": "min", } } return wrapper
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_path_replacement(dotted_path, root_replacer): """ """ if root_replacer is not None: path_ = ".".join([root_replacer] + list(dotted_path.split(".")[1:])) else: path_ = dotted_path return path_
[docs] @staticmethod def attach_nested_on_demand(context, query_, root_replacer): """ """ path_context = context qr = query_ if path_context.resource_type == "Resource": # FIXME ugly: no nested query if we search on all types because # Resource.meta is of type nested but with option "include_in_root" # set to True return qr while True: if path_context.multiple and not path_context.type_is_primitive: path_ = ElasticSearchDialect.apply_path_replacement( str(path_context._path), root_replacer ) qr = ElasticSearchDialect.apply_nested(qr, path_) if path_context.is_root(): break path_context = path_context.parent return qr
[docs] @staticmethod def create_term(path, value, multiple=False, match_type=None, all_resources=False): """Create ES Query term""" multiple_ = isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) or multiple is True if multiple_ is True and not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = [value] if all_resources: # TODO is there a better way to search on all resource types? # TODO does it work if both all_resources and multiple_ are True? q = {"multi_match": {"query": value, "fields": [path]}} elif match_type == TermMatchType.EXACT and not multiple_: q = {"term": {f"{path}.raw": value}} elif match_type == TermMatchType.EXACT and multiple_: q = {"terms": {f"{path}.raw": value}} elif match_type != TermMatchType.EXACT and multiple_: q = {"terms": {path: value}} else: q = {"match": {path: value}} return q
[docs] @staticmethod def create_sa_term(path, value): """Create ES Prefix Query""" if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] else: q = {"bool": {"should": [], "minimum_should_match": 1}} for val in value: q["bool"]["should"].append({"prefix": {path: {"value": val}}}) return q q = {"prefix": {path: {"value": value}}} return q
[docs] @staticmethod def create_contains_term(path, value): """Create ES Regex Query""" if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] else: q = {"bool": {"should": [], "minimum_should_match": 1}} for val in value: q["bool"]["should"].append( {"prefix": {path: {"value": ".*{0}.*".format(escape_all(val))}}} ) return q q = {"regexp": {path: {"value": ".*{0}.*".format(escape_all(value))}}} return q
[docs] @staticmethod def create_eb_term(path, value): """Create ES Prefix Query""" if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] else: q = {"bool": {"should": [], "minimum_should_match": 1}} for val in value: q["bool"]["should"].append( {"wildcard": {path: {"value": "*" + escape_star(val)}}} ) return q q = {"wildcard": {path: {"value": "*{0}".format(escape_star(value))}}} return q
[docs] @staticmethod def create_dotted_path(term, root_replacer=None): """ """ if INonFhirTerm.providedBy(term): return term.path if root_replacer is not None: path_ = ".".join([root_replacer] + list(term.path.path.split(".")[1:])) else: path_ = term.path.path return path_
[docs] @staticmethod def clean_up(body_structure): """ """ if len(body_structure["query"]["bool"]["should"]) == 0: del body_structure["query"]["bool"]["should"] if len(body_structure["query"]["bool"]["must"]) == 0: del body_structure["query"]["bool"]["must"] if len(body_structure["query"]["bool"]["must_not"]) == 0: del body_structure["query"]["bool"]["must_not"] if len(body_structure["query"]["bool"]["filter"]) == 0: del body_structure["query"]["bool"]["filter"] if len(body_structure["sort"]) == 0: del body_structure["sort"] if body_structure["_source"] is not False: if len(body_structure["_source"]["includes"]) == 0: del body_structure["_source"]["includes"] if len(body_structure["_source"]["excludes"]) == 0: del body_structure["_source"]["excludes"] if len(body_structure["_source"]) == 0: del body_structure["_source"]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_path_mapping_info(mapping, dotted_path): """ """ mapping_ = mapping["properties"] for path_ in dotted_path.split(".")[1:]: try: info_ = mapping_[path_] except KeyError: logger.warning("No mapping found for {0}".format(dotted_path)) return {} if "properties" in info_: mapping_ = info_["properties"] else: return info_
[docs] def compile_for_single_resource_type( self, query, resource_type, mapping=None, root_replacer=None ): """ :param: query :param: mapping: Elasticsearch mapping for FHIR resources. :root_replacer: Path´s root replacer: Could be mapping name or index name in zope´s ZCatalog context """ body_structure = ElasticSearchDialect.create_structure() conditional_terms = [ w for w in query.get_where() if ( not INonFhirTerm.providedBy(w) and w.path.context.resource_type == resource_type ) or INonFhirTerm.providedBy(w) ] for term in conditional_terms: q, unary_operator = self.resolve_term(term, mapping, root_replacer) if unary_operator == OPERATOR.neg: container = body_structure["query"]["bool"]["must_not"] elif unary_operator == OPERATOR.pos: container = body_structure["query"]["bool"]["filter"] else: # xxx: if None may be should? from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo frameinfo = getframeinfo(currentframe()) raise NotImplementedError( f"File: {frameinfo.filename} Line: {frameinfo.lineno + 1}" ) container.append(q) # if not searching on all resources, add a predicate to filter on resourceType if resource_type != "Resource": ElasticSearchDialect.apply_from_constraint( query, body_structure, resource_type, root_replacer=root_replacer ) # Sorting ElasticSearchDialect.apply_sort( query.get_sort(), body_structure, root_replacer=root_replacer ) # Limit ElasticSearchDialect.apply_limit(query.get_limit(), body_structure) # ES source_ ElasticSearchDialect.apply_source_filter( query, body_structure, root_replacer=root_replacer ) ElasticSearchDialect.clean_up(body_structure) if "should" in body_structure["query"]["bool"]: if "minimum_should_match" not in body_structure["query"]["bool"]: body_structure["query"]["bool"]["minimum_should_match"] = 1 return body_structure
[docs] def compile(self, query, calculate_field_index_name, get_mapping): """ """ query_fragments = [] for from_clause in query.get_from(): resource_type = from_clause[1].get_resource_type() field_index_name = calculate_field_index_name(resource_type) mapping = get_mapping(resource_type) query_fragments.append( self.compile_for_single_resource_type( query, resource_type=resource_type, mapping=mapping, root_replacer=field_index_name, ) ) if len(query_fragments) == 0: # Search on all types: available searchparams use # "Resource" as path.context.resource_type # Use "*" as root_replacer to match any resource across the ES mapping. return self.compile_for_single_resource_type( query, resource_type="Resource", mapping=None, root_replacer="*", ) elif len(query_fragments) > 1: return { "query": { "bool": { "should": [frag["query"] for frag in query_fragments], "minimum_should_match": 1, } } } else: return query_fragments[0]
[docs] def resolve_term(self, term, mapping, root_replacer): """ """ if IGroupTerm.providedBy(term): unary_operator = OPERATOR.pos if term.type == GroupType.DECOUPLED: if term.match_operator == MatchType.ANY: qr = {"bool": {"should": list()}} container = qr["bool"]["should"] qr["bool"]["minimum_should_match"] = 1 elif term.match_operator == MatchType.ALL: qr = {"bool": {"filter": list()}} container = qr["bool"]["filter"] elif term.match_operator == MatchType.NONE: qr = {"bool": {"must_not": list()}} container = qr["bool"]["must_not"] alsoProvides(term, IIgnoreNestedCheck) elif term.type == GroupType.COUPLED: if term.match_operator == MatchType.NONE: qr = {"bool": {"must_not": list()}} container = qr["bool"]["must_not"] else: qr = {"bool": {"filter": list()}} container = qr["bool"]["filter"] else: raise NotImplementedError for t_ in term.terms: # single term resolver should not look at this if term.type == GroupType.COUPLED: alsoProvides(t_, IIgnoreNestedCheck) resolved, operator = self.resolve_term(t_, mapping, root_replacer) if operator == OPERATOR.neg: container.append({"bool": {"must_not": [resolved]}}) else: container.append(resolved) if not IIgnoreNestedCheck.providedBy(term): qr = ElasticSearchDialect.attach_nested_on_demand( term.path.context, qr, root_replacer ) return qr, unary_operator elif IInTerm.providedBy(term): unary_operator = term.unary_operator qr = {"bool": {"should": list()}} container = qr["bool"]["should"] for t_ in term: resolved = self.resolve_term(t_, mapping, root_replacer) container.append(resolved[0]) if len(container) > 0: qr["bool"]["minimum_should_match"] = 1 return qr, unary_operator elif IExistsTerm.providedBy(term): return ElasticSearchDialect.resolve_exists_term( term, root_replacer=root_replacer ) elif ITerm.providedBy(term): if term.path.context.type_is_primitive: if term.path.context.type_name in ( "string", "xhtml", "uri", "url", "canonical", "code", "oid", "id", "uuid", "boolean", ): # xxx: may do something special? multiple = term.path.context.multiple dotted_path = ElasticSearchDialect.create_dotted_path( term, root_replacer ) value = term.get_real_value() # FIXME when searching on all resources, we don't have the mapping map_info = ( ElasticSearchDialect.get_path_mapping_info(mapping, dotted_path) if mapping else None ) if map_info and map_info.get("type", None) == "text": resolved = ElasticSearchDialect.resolve_string_term( term, map_info, root_replacer ) else: if term.comparison_operator == q = ElasticSearchDialect.create_sa_term(dotted_path, value) elif term.comparison_operator == OPERATOR.eb: q = ElasticSearchDialect.create_eb_term(dotted_path, value) elif term.comparison_operator == OPERATOR.contains: q = ElasticSearchDialect.create_contains_term( dotted_path, value ) else: # FIXME find a cleaner way to do that # If root_replacer is "*", we're searching on all resources all_resources = root_replacer == "*" q = ElasticSearchDialect.create_term( dotted_path, value, multiple=multiple, match_type=term.match_type, all_resources=all_resources, ) resolved = q, term.unary_operator elif term.path.context.type_name in ( "dateTime", "date", "time", "instant", ): resolved = self.resolve_datetime_term(term, root_replacer) elif term.path.context.type_name in ( "integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt", ): resolved = ElasticSearchDialect.resolve_numeric_term( term, root_replacer ) else: raise NotImplementedError if IIgnoreNestedCheck.providedBy(term): return resolved # check for nested qr, unary_operator = resolved qr = ElasticSearchDialect.attach_nested_on_demand( term.path.context, qr, root_replacer ) return qr, unary_operator else: raise NotImplementedError("Line 425") elif INonFhirTerm.providedBy(term): assert IFhirPrimitiveType.providedBy(term.value) return self.resolve_nonfhir_term(term)
[docs] def resolve_datetime_term(self, term, root_replacer=None): """ """ qr = dict() value = term.get_real_value() path_ = ElasticSearchDialect.create_dotted_path(term, root_replacer) if hasattr(value, "day") and hasattr(value, "hour"): value_formatter = ( isodate.DATE_EXT_COMPLETE + "T" + isodate.TIME_EXT_COMPLETE ) elif hasattr(value, "day"): value_formatter = isodate.DATE_EXT_COMPLETE elif hasattr(value, "hour"): value_formatter = isodate.TIME_EXT_COMPLETE else: raise ValueError("Could not understand date query value.") if term.comparison_operator in (OPERATOR.eq, qr["range"] = { path_: { ES_PY_OPERATOR_MAP[]: isodate.strftime( value, value_formatter ), ES_PY_OPERATOR_MAP[OPERATOR.le]: isodate.strftime( value, value_formatter ), } } elif term.comparison_operator in ( OPERATOR.le,,,, ): qr["range"] = { path_: { ES_PY_OPERATOR_MAP[term.comparison_operator]: isodate.strftime( value, value_formatter ) } } if hasattr(value, "tzinfo") and value.tzinfo: timezone = isodate.tz_isoformat(value) if timezone not in ("", "Z"): qr["range"][path_]["time_zone"] = timezone if ( term.comparison_operator != and term.unary_operator == OPERATOR.neg ) or ( term.comparison_operator == and term.unary_operator != OPERATOR.neg ): unary_operator = OPERATOR.neg else: unary_operator = OPERATOR.pos return qr, unary_operator
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_numeric_term(term, root_replacer=None): """ """ qr = dict() path_ = ElasticSearchDialect.create_dotted_path(term, root_replacer) value = term.get_real_value() if term.comparison_operator in (OPERATOR.eq, qr["range"] = { path_: { ES_PY_OPERATOR_MAP[]: value, ES_PY_OPERATOR_MAP[OPERATOR.le]: value, } } elif term.comparison_operator in ( OPERATOR.le,,,, ): qr["range"] = {path_: {ES_PY_OPERATOR_MAP[term.comparison_operator]: value}} if ( term.comparison_operator != and term.unary_operator == OPERATOR.neg ) or ( term.comparison_operator == and term.unary_operator != OPERATOR.neg ): unary_operator = OPERATOR.neg else: unary_operator = OPERATOR.pos return qr, unary_operator
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_string_term(term, map_info, root_replacer=None): """ """ # xxx: could have support for free text search path_ = ElasticSearchDialect.create_dotted_path(term, root_replacer) custom_analyzer = map_info.get("analyzer") fulltext_analyzers = (None, "standard") value = term.get_real_value() # when searching on a reference, the field must have been # analyzed in a custom way. if ( not term.path.context.is_root() and term.path.context._get_parent().type_name == "Reference" ): if custom_analyzer is None: logger.warning(f"No custom analyzer found for reference {path_}") if term.comparison_operator == qr = {"match_phrase_prefix": {path_: value}} else: qr = {"term": {path_: value}} # if a fulltext analyzer is configured, produce a full-text query elif custom_analyzer in fulltext_analyzers: if term.match_type == TermMatchType.EXACT: qr = {"match_phrase": {path_: value}} elif term.comparison_operator == qr = {"match_phrase_prefix": {path_: value}} elif term.comparison_operator == OPERATOR.eb: qr = { "query_string": { "fields": [path_], "query": "*{0}".format(escape_star(value)), } } elif term.comparison_operator == OPERATOR.contains: qr = { "query_string": { "fields": [path_], "query": "*{0}*".format(escape_star(value)), } } else: qr = {"match": {path_: {"query": value, "fuzziness": "AUTO"}}} # fallback on a regular query else: qr = ElasticSearchDialect.create_term( path_, value, term.path.context.multiple ) return qr, term.unary_operator
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_exists_term(term, root_replacer=None): """ """ path_ = ElasticSearchDialect.create_dotted_path(term, root_replacer) qr = {"exists": {"field": path_}} if not INonFhirTerm.providedBy(term): qr = ElasticSearchDialect.attach_nested_on_demand( term.path.context, qr, root_replacer ) return qr, term.unary_operator
[docs] def resolve_nonfhir_term(self, term): """ """ if IPrimitiveTypeCollection.providedBy(term.value): visit_name = term.value.registered_visit if visit_name in ("string", "code", "oid", "id", "uuid"): if visit_name == "string" and term.match_type not in ( None, TermMatchType.EXACT, ): raise ValueError( "PrimitiveTypeCollection instance is not " "allowed if match type not exact" ) else: raise NotImplementedError else: visit_name = term.value.__visit_name__ if visit_name in ( "string", "uri", "url", "canonical", "code", "oid", "id", "uuid", "boolean", ): if term.match_type not in (TermMatchType.FULLTEXT, None): resolved = ElasticSearchDialect.resolve_string_term(term, {}, None) else: value = term.get_real_value() q = ElasticSearchDialect.create_term(term.path, value) resolved = q, term.unary_operator elif visit_name in ("dateTime", "date", "time", "instant"): resolved = self.resolve_datetime_term(term, None) elif visit_name in ("integer", "decimal", "unsignedInt", "positiveInt"): resolved = ElasticSearchDialect.resolve_numeric_term(term, None) else: raise NotImplementedError return resolved
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_limit(limit_clause, body_structure): """ """ if limit_clause.empty: # no limit! should be scroll body_structure["scroll"] = "1m" return if isinstance(limit_clause.limit, int): body_structure["size"] = limit_clause.limit if isinstance(limit_clause.offset, int): body_structure["from"] = limit_clause.offset
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_sort(sort_terms, body_structure, root_replacer=None): """ """ for term in sort_terms: if root_replacer is not None: path_ = ".".join([root_replacer] + list(term.path.path.split(".")[1:])) else: path_ = term.path.path item = { #\ # reference/current/search-request-body.html#_ignoring_unmapped_fields path_: { "order": term.order == SortOrderType.DESC and "desc" or "asc", "unmapped_type": "long", } } body_structure["sort"].append(item)
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_from_constraint(query, body_structure, resource_type, root_replacer=None): """We force apply resource type boundary""" path_ = f"{root_replacer or resource_type}.resourceType" term = {"match": {path_: resource_type}} body_structure["query"]["bool"]["filter"].append(term)
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_source_filter(query, body_structure, root_replacer=None): """\ current/search-request-body.html#request-body-search-source-filtering 1.) we are using FHIR field data from ES server directly, unlike collective. elasticsearch, where only path is retrieve, then using that set zcatalog brain, this patternt might good for general puporse but here we exclusively need fhir resource only which is already stored in ES. Our approach will be definately performance optimized! 2.) We might loose minor security (only zope specific), because here permission is not checking while getting full object. """ if len(query.get_element()) == 0: # No select no source! body_structure["_source"] = False return def replace(path_el): if root_replacer is None or path_el.non_fhir: return path_el.path parts = path_el.path.split(".") if len(parts) > 1: return ".".join([root_replacer] + list(parts[1:])) else: return root_replacer includes = list() if len(query.get_element()) == 1 and query.get_element()[0].star: if root_replacer is None: includes.append(query.get_from()[0][0]) else: includes.append(root_replacer) elif len(query.get_element()) > 0: # always include the resourceType in the ES response includes.append( f"{root_replacer}.resourceType" if root_replacer else "resourceType" ) for path_el in query.get_element(): includes.append(replace(path_el)) if len(includes) > 0: body_structure["_source"]["includes"].extend(includes)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_structure(): """ """ return { "query": { "bool": { "should": list(), "must": list(), "must_not": list(), "filter": list(), } }, "size": 100, "from": 0, "sort": list(), "_source": {"includes": [], "excludes": []}, }